Monday, August 27, 2007

Crohn's Walk

So, this weekend my sister and her boyfriend came for a visit. We did a lot of walking and hiking and climbing. And, it was fun showing my sister some of the sights here in Spokane. We also tried out Wolf Creek Lodge. Excellant steaks!! I definately recommend it. Anyway, I did a 5K walk for Crohn's research, patient awareness. It was so awesome and I felt like I could really do it, I think a month or so ago I wouldn't have been able to do it as easily! Not much has been happening. Work has been going well. I am headed off to Phoenix, AZ to help out down there. I can't wait. And, for Labor Day weekend I am headed to Mt Rainier National Park. I can't wait to do that either!

Well, just a quick note to say that I am alive and well.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

1st August Post

Oops, it has been awhile hasn't it. Well, what have I been up to? Well, mom came to visit on August 2nd and stayed through August 16th. Her last night in town we went out to eat at the Davenport Hotel...was YUMMY. We did tons of other things while she was here...Mt Spokane, Manito Park, Seattle, Coeur D'Alene, shopping, Flour Mill, Cat Tales, walking, etc. She and Elphie got along great. Tim got home from Italy on August 13th after being gone since July 16th. I was happy to see him home...although we aren't sure who was happier, me or Elphaba...she REALLY missed him. It was actually pretty pathetic! I weighed in at WW today at I am down to 221, I am so excited...I would like to try and take another 20 lbs off before the wedding in October. I am going to try and do better about posting. I just get so distracted by other things, typing isn't the first thing on my mind. Anyway, I have a couple more trips coming up and I am also walking in the Guts and Glory walk for the CCF on August I will have lots more to talk about. Oh yeah, good movie to go see, if you want action and just plain entertainment...THE BOURNE ULTIMATIUM!