Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Okay, two years ago I thought it would be a great present for my husband who would commute from Cincinnati to Indianapolis for work. I got him a great package and got a great deal. A year later, my new truck came with a SIRIUS radio free for a year...and I loved it. I was so excited with it that I wanted to renew it once it had expired. My husband and I thought we would combine our accounts and be SIRIUS customers until we couldn't afford it anymore. Well, the calls started at the end of October. So my husband called and asked them if he could combine our accounts and pay for it. They told him to wait until my account expired and then reactivate it then and add the two accounts together. Seemed reasonable. Well, I kept getting calls. I explained that I had to wait until it expired to combine the account with my husbands and that I loved the radio...but please quit calling as it was a cell phone. The operators were really apologetic and told me they would add me to the DO NOT call list. However the calls kept coming. And I kept calling back to ask them not to call me. Then, finally after about 15 calls I decided I didn't want this harassment...so I told my husband and he decided to cancel his radio too. The calls kept coming. As I have a east coast phone number and live in the west I was getting calls at 8:30am on Saturday morning (5:30am in my phone's reality). I emailed their customer service. Finally I was told that it takes 4-6 weeks to get off the call list. FOUR TO SIX WEEKS????? Do we not live in an age of technology? can't it just be deleted??? Well the calls are coming more frequently and I got a call on Saturday at 4:30am.....is this reasonable???? Of course whenever I call, I need to talk to a supervisor....who can't be reached...so....I am SCREWED...please consider this before getting a SIRIUS radio...it can't be undone...and they are friendly but can't really do anything.