Sunday, December 21, 2008

It is Official

I am stopping this blog! Starting a new one with a new focus...I have been out West for two years moving here seems done. So...if you want to follow along...

Happy reading and thanks for reading this one!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

After Thanksgiving...

Okay, Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday. I get to see my family, which for a switch I like spending time with (I know tons of people dread it)...and I get to eat my favorite meal of the year...turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, some vegetable, and mom's rolls....followed by several types of pies. I REALLY love the leftovers! This year my sister-in-law and brother hosted and it was FABULOUS! She even made homemade applesauce that was to die for! I am not sure I had enough to eat...and I am positive I will be making a turkey sometime in the next month or so. Last year we had a perfectly fine Thanksgiving in Seattle with my sister. I love her, but being around the rest of the family this year made me really appreciate getting to see them all. We played our multi-person Solitaire, around the world ping pong and of course the Wii! We ate...and I had been doing so well...I have lost 58 lbs on WW...I fear weighing in on Saturday because I am afraid that I have gained at least a pound if not more. I did really good through Thanksgiving...but the day after and the days to follow I have reverted to my old habits of eating...which is BAD...very BAD! I hoped that I would fare as nicely as I did last year with the no weight gain at all...I am afraid that isn't possible. I miss bread...I hardly ever eat it of course I indulged. I am pleased to say that I didn't eat any sub par food, only yummy things! But...too much of it...and not enough exercise. Will I do it again? Sure enough, I am betting next year will be the same! Anyway, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did!