Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday Sept. 8 Dali Museum

So, I wake again about 5am, cannot get back to sleep! I listen to another couple episodes of Wait Wait...until Tim gets up. We decide to eat the European breakfast offered at the hotel. It is an incredible spread. I wonder if Europeans feel the same way as we do about Continental breakfast. Anyway, tons of bread, cheese, salami, ham, cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, juice, tarts, pastries, etc. It was really good. Then we finished packing, checked out and went to get the car. We had a car in a 24 hour lot for our trip out of Spain. We got on the highway, got some petrol...and off we went. We were headed for France...with a small stop along the way. The Dali Theatre/Museum in Figures, Spain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teatro_Museo this museum was designed by Dali. A couple weird turns later, we arrive. We are able to go to the museum and to the jewelry display as well for the same price. It was very interesting. I would have liked to have some more time to head to the coast and go to his home. The jewelry was incredible! We got a quick bite to eat once we left the museum...and then headed on to France. We passed by fields of corn, sunflowers, grains....we saw chateaus in the distance and even got a glimpse of the coastline. Going from Spain into France was as simple as slowing down as we crossed the border. We headed on to Carcassonne. We arrived and found our hotel fairly easily. The hotel used to be an abbey...so it was very quaint. The view from our room was the castle...the sun was going down and the view was incredible. I was getting REALLY sleepy...every afternoon I had been taking a nap, so I was tired. I fell asleep for about an hour or so, then got ready to go out and find dinner. Tim had a place he wanted to try in his book...the hotel clerk wasn't sure if it would be open or not. We went ahead and walked there. It was open. Tim wanted me to try cassoluet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassoulet and what better place to try this than an off the beaten path restaurant! It was yummy, very heavy food....but good. We want to try and make it ourselves. We walked some of it off going back to the hotel. It was about 10:30pm when we got in...tomorrow we storm the castle!

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