Saturday, June 16, 2007

Job Update/Clarification

I have noticed that perhaps I haven't said what my job is.(thank you K for pointing that out) Well, I have been working for Apollo College here in Spokane, WA. Here is their website - It is a medical and dental assisting, massage therapy, vet tech, etc kind of a trade school for the medical field and they are accredited and part of that process is a library, with a librarian, enter ME!! When I was interviewed for the job I was too excited for words. Here is a job where I can use EVERYTHING I learned in Library School!! Sometimes I hardly believe they pay me to do my job. So I get to be an all in once librarian. It is awesome. I have been there since May 23rd and I love it. Having a new job always has a transition period so it has been rough at times, but overall I love it and am very excited about. I think I may have told Tim that this job is "every librarian's wet dream" which may have been a little strong, but I was SOOOOO excited!! Anyway, it is giving me opportunities that I really appreciate and enjoy. I will try and keep you updated with my job and job progress. I cataloged several books, I have been creating policy and procedure. I have had a lot of people tell me they think that my job may be boring...NOT SO!! I love it, always a new challenge, always things to do.

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