Monday, June 4, 2007

More for Monday

Okay, back from my walk...I wish it would just is so hot!! But, tomorrow promises to be cooler!! YIPPEE!! So, how was my weekend? Well Friday night we had pizza, it was so good, I guess when you can't have it all of the time (high in points) it makes you appreciate it that much more. Well, Saturday we headed to Mule Days in Reardan, WA check out It was HOT, we got there about 10:30am and left about 1:30pm or so...walked around and met some guys Tim works with and their wives. Then, Tim and I headed out to run errands with the dog. Once we got home, we were pretty much done for the night and watched TV until 11pm, then to bed. Sunday we went to the Pet Expo with Elphaba, Tanya, Yosi, and Bridget...check out Elphaba and Tim entered the Funny Dog Games and Elphie came in second place in "fastest sit" and she did really well in the relay too. We wanted to check out the agility so Tim and Elphie can look into doing it soon! Elphie just needs one more obedience class and I think she will be ready.

Okay, another book I read was IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS by Lena Williams about race relations, things about blacks and whites that annoy each other and cause tension. It was pretty insightful.

THE KILLING KIND by John Connolly about a man who can see dead people and about a religious cult which apparently disappeared and has resurfaced killing an old friend of his. It is very creepy, and if you don't like spiders, there are places that may really creep you out. I liked it and plan on reading more by him!

Well, have a great week! :)

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