Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturday June 16

So, I haven't written in over a week and now I am posting several times. My goal is to post AT LEAST once a I need to carve some time out to do that! This weekend should be fun. My job gave me some money and I get to do some book shopping this weekend!! I am so excited. Also, I want to go see NANCY DREW, I know it will be NOTHING like the books I remember, it seems like a fun movie. I am also tempted to head to BLOCKBUSTER and rent BIG LOVE so I can finish out the season that I started in Iowa when I was moving out here. Tim is working today. But, tonight is date night and I am taking him to THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE in Coeur D'Alene, ID tonight. I am so excited!! This afternoon I hope we can head to Costco and see about getting some potstickers!! Elphaba gets to have a spa day...and since I have met my 10 lbs mark, Tim is treating me to a pedicure. So...should be a Great weekend. I hope to post again tomorrow to update all of these plans. But, last night after Tim and I made some very YUMMY homemade mac and cheese with ham and broccoli, we headed to Manito Park and it was gorgeous!! The English garden is planted and looks beautiful and the roses are coming out. I am including a couple pictures from our walk last night! Also came across a turtle, so involved it what it was doing (I am guessing laying eggs) that it didn't mind how close I got to it. I have to do some searching as I a curious, it was just sitting there, about 2 feet from the duck pond's edge working its back legs digging up dirt. Hmmmm. It was so interesting. Elphaba was there, all of the ducks were fleeing into the water and the turtle looked our general direction, but didn't pause, stop or leave the area.

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