Saturday, June 16, 2007

Weight Loss Update

So it is week 5 and I have lost 11.2 pounds as of my Weight Watchers meeting this morning. I could not be happier. I am really enjoying the fruits of my labor. It is so hard for someone like me who LOVES food to think about losing weight, and then to actually DO it. Well, it is amazing. I have to say that I can thank my cousin and my brother for their support...and here in WA, going to the meetings is VERY helpful. I know, it doesn't really seem like it would be for people who don't go. But there is a celebration when you do well, commiseration if you didn't lose that week and encouragement to do better. People talk about their issues and challenges and share shack ideas. It is so great. I had done WW before, but only came to weigh in, never stayed for the meetings. I really like the meetings. And, I have gone to a meeting and didn't lose now I am more compelled to make the right decisions so I can maintain OR lose. I know I will still have roadblocks along the way. But, I am confident that I will be able to meet my goal. To all of my friends out there, ask me about it...I will talk about it and help you out! Also, for those men out there, there are several men in all 4 of the different meeting times I have gone to...not just one or two...but several. So it isn't just for women. your portions, eat more vegetables and fruits and love yourself enough to become a more healthy and active YOU!!

1 comment:

Jean's Blog said...

Hey, I'm so happy 4 u. Thats good for u. I recently just got saved and babitsed. Visit my blog if you like. I hope u have a good week - Jean