Monday, June 4, 2007

Update - Books I have read

So, I have done some reading and decided to catch everyone up on what I have been reading.

THE BOOK OF LOST THINGS by John Connolly - Was a combo of Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe meets a retelling of childhood fairy tales, I liked it and it had an interesting twist on some favorite fairy tales. Meet David a little boy whose mother died and left him the love of reading, what happens when he starts seeing the Crooked Man?

YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS - by Laurie Graff - cute and funny, definately a light read. Follow a single Jewish actress through her journey of dating all sorts of men...and it will make you laugh as you remember some dates you may have been on.

I read two other books and can't remember them right weird is that?

More to follow after my walk...

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