Sunday, May 27, 2007


Today, Tim and Zach went canoeing...and Elphaba and I went for a picnic in the park. We ate lunch, we fed the seagulls and ducks, and we walked all over. I wanted to take pictures but there were too many distraction for the dog, so next time, I will get some pictures. We went to Manito was a beautiful day. Sunny, cool, blue skies and puffy white clouds. I did some vacuuming today and I planted some herbs on our small deck. If the birds don't take them all I should have some basil, sage, cilantro and rosemary. I am including a picture of what Tim did yesterday, that is him climbing to the top. WOW!! He was exhausted after doing that a few times. I have been watching some movies...CATCH AND RELEASE, not worth the time. I also watched THE WOODSMAN and WE DON'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE...both are slightly depressing, but worth the watch.

1 comment:

Khalil said...

Hey Tracy - maybe I missed it but not sure what your job is :-)