Thursday, May 10, 2007

Creatures of the Park

Today (yesterday) we visited two of the parks closest to my apartment. We went to Lincoln Park and walked Elphaba and the view of Mt Spokane was amazing. Then, we got lunch at Wendy's and took it to Manito Park where we had to battle the seagulls to eat our lunch (the people next to us thought it would be a great idea to feed them their leftovers). Then we hiked around the duck pond, still taken over by seagulls...but we saw ducks, geese and TURTLES!! Then through the Lilac Garden where the lilacs were coming out, not all the way, but close. Several varieties and in many colors, the fragrance was so sweet. Then it was on to the Japanese Garden, more things in bloom and some HUGE fish. We went to the Rose Garden, but there wasn't much to see there yet. Then, to the wall of flowers and the perennial gardens which seem to look different each time I go. The greenhouse has a display of flowers that we went in to look at. Several varieties of orchids and cacti as well as a little fountain and several other unique flowers. The Duncan Garden is ready to plant, apparently they are asking for volunteers to help plant next week. I may go and try that out. Then, on around and back to the car. Then we headed to the Flour Mill and the Sourdough Place. Both interesting, the sourdough place was a restaurant so we will have to try that soon. And, the Flour Mill has some very interesting pieces of jewelry and beads. Then it was back to the apartment to make dinner and crash. We made some more of Tim's awesome sea bass. It was good!!

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