Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tim's Birthday

So, Tuesday May 1st was Tim's birthday. On Monday I made him some Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate cupcakes to take to work with him....and I set up the baker's rack to hold cards and presents. He came home for lunch...and then got off a little early so we could go on a walk with Elphaba and take care of some odds and ends (plates for the truck and renew his library card). Then, he opened his presents. I didn't break the bank but I got him Casino Royale, the new Einstein biography and a toy for him to take to work. Check out and I think you can find the cube people. There is one named Tim that I got for him at a store downtown called Boo Radley's. We started watching THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND, but after two phone call interruptions, we decided just to watch a little TV and head to bed. I finished LITTLE CHILDREN last night, so I hope to get the movie soon!

We had some of Tim's sea bass for his birthday with a honey teriyaki sauce and some grilled pineapple. It was sooo good!

Company is coming!! I have high hopes of doing some cleaning today...but don't have the motivation!

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