Friday, May 4, 2007

A Day Out

This morning, Marty and I got up and walked to Great Harvest Bread to get some breakfast, blackberry danish for him and whole wheat cinnamon roll for me. We both tried the nearly warm lite wheat with butter FREE, it was yummy. Then we hiked back to the apartment to get things together for our day out. First, we tried to find REI, without any luck, so we went and found parking (amazing considering the amount of people downtown today) and walked in Riverside Park. We went all over. Everyone was out. Bloomsday Run is Sunday. The Falls were in full force. The day only got to about 55 degrees but the sun was warm. We looked at the sculptures and 74 Expo area, took LOTS of pictures. Then, we headed to the mall for some food. After we left the mall, we stopped in Boo Radley's (awesome little gift store) and then Auntie's Bookstore. Then, on to REI, Tim helped me find it. I needed some hiking shoes for Portland...and I guess everyone else needed something at REI today as well. Then, back home to get Tim and Elphaba...we needed to drop Elphaba off for the weekend...and then on to dinner at Northern Lights, a brewpub. YUMMY food. Now, they are napping as we are going to catch an Amtrak train at 2:45am. I can't decide if resting is a good idea or not, as when I fall asleep it is best for me to sleep for at least 5 hours before rising. It looks like I may stay up and just rest my body. I will sleep on the train, and probably have news about the Portland trip in a couple of days.

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