Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Monday

So...the weekend was a good weekend. Tim and I went out for sushi Friday night, it was good as always. Then Saturday Tim worked while I cleaned. Then, because I was going fishing on Sunday with him, he went to a movie with me. I chose Georgia Rule, which I liked, he did not. Then we ate at the Italian Kitchen, really good food!! We were unaware of the Lilac Festival and large parade that shut down Spokane downtown for 3 after eating we had to find a taxi to get us home and come back for my truck after 11pm. The parade was long, 3 hours, and had lots of interesting floats and bands. We just had a dog that needed out and fed!! Sunday we got up and headed to Lake Roosevelt for some fishing. We didn't catch anything, but we heard turkeys and I saw several birds, including a couple bald eagles. Elphaba found a family of mice and we enjoyed some time sitting, communing with nature. Tim took me to a really good Mexican restaurant, TRES FIESTAS, I had a club quesadilla, which I could barely eat. The rest of Sunday was spent watching TV and THE GOOD SHEPHERD.

Today, I feel like a energy and no will to do anything. I can only hope tomorrow is better. I am looking forward to a 3 day weekend with Tim. And, I got a call back from my job lead, I go in tomorrow for an offer.

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